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These Cities Are Receiving "Timeless" from Davido

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    Davido has shared on social media that he will be bringing his Timelessalbum to New York, London, and Lagos, dubbing the mini-tour “A Timeless Night With Davido.”

    In the post, the singer wrote:The support for Timeless over the last few days has been incredible! Thank you for the love. I'm so excited to bring this album to life and share it with you in person. London, New York City, Lagos join me for ‘A Timeless Night,' a special live event, where we'll make memories that will last forever!”

    The DMW boss shared dates for the events; noting that in the first week of April, he will take the stage in New York and London, at Irving Plaza and Koko London, respectively, before returning to Lagos to perform at Tafawa Balewa Stadium in Lagos later that month.

    In a viral social media post on Tuesday, the Nigerian singer announced that he will be releasing his latest studio album Timeless on March 31. The announcement spurred a lot of excitement and expectation from fans, who had been curious about the singer’s well-being after the extended hiatus that followed the tragic loss of his son, three year old Ifeanyi Adeleke.

    Throughout Davido's 11-year career, he has become a staple in Afrobeats and has contributed significantly to pushing the sound, helping it resonate with fans globally. The singer has released several studio albums throughout his career, including Omo Baba Olowo (2012), A Good Time (2019), and A Better Time (2020).

    Timeless will be his fourth studio album.


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    Author: Bonnie Wallace

    Last Updated: 1703264042

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    Name: Bonnie Wallace

    Birthday: 1942-07-13

    Address: 43146 Murphy Light Apt. 776, South Donald, MT 54874

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    Job: SpaceX Engineer

    Hobby: Painting, Table Tennis, Camping, Photography, Kite Flying, Snowboarding, Soccer

    Introduction: My name is Bonnie Wallace, I am a honest, receptive, rare, talented, dedicated, radiant, Colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.