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In 2030, how much will one Bitcoin be worth?

As the bullish wave on the wider crypto market continues, partially triggered by the court victory of blockchain company Ripple against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), indicators suggest that Bitcoin (BTC) could see more significant gains in the years to come.

Specifically, Finbold has consulted multiple artificial intelligence (AI) platforms, including text-based generative bots Google Bard and ChatGPT, as well as crypto analytics platforms deploying this technology to provide insights into the price of the flagship decentralized finance (DeFi) asset in 2030, and they have delivered.

What Bard and ChatGPT say

As it happens, Google Bard has listed several notable predictions for the price of Bitcoin by 2030, including by investment giant ARK Invest, which projects $1 million, and by crypto forecasting site DigitalCoinPrice, which sets the average price of the maiden cryptocurrency at $305,981.71.

According to Google Bard, other analysts have also offered bullish views ranging from $427,000 to $1 million, “while others maintain a more cautious stance, predicting prices around $45,000 to $60,000” for Bitcoin in 2030, as the AI chatbot pointed out.

Furthermore, as for ChatGPT, the brainchild of OpenAI, has offered a range between $100,000 and $1 million in the same time period. According to the AI chatbot:

“Some predictions suggest that Bitcoin could reach values ranging from $100,000 to even $1 million per coin by 2030. These projections are based on factors such as increasing adoption, limited supply, and the possibility of Bitcoin becoming a global reserve currency.”

AI algorithms

Meanwhile, the AI-based algorithms used by the crypto market analytics platform CoinCodex set the price of Bitcoin at $141,600 on December 26, 2030, which would represent an increase of 364.38% from its value at the time of publication.

Bitcoin price prediction by 2030. Source: CoinCodex

Bitcoin price analysis

As for the price of Bitcoin at press time, it stood at $30,492, showing a 1.81% gain in the last 24 hours, an advance of 9.83% over the previous seven days, and an upward movement of 14.76 % in the past month, as per the latest charts on October 23.

Bitcoin 30-day price chart. Source: Finbold

All things considered, Bitcoin could reach the predicted prices by 2030, or $135,000 very soon, as set by the author of the best-selling personal finance book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad,’ Robert Kiyosaki, provided that it continues to attract more investors, as well as in view of positive developments in the area of crypto regulation.

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


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Author: Harry Rhodes

Last Updated: 1702768082

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Author information

Name: Harry Rhodes

Birthday: 1959-08-24

Address: 077 Leslie Gateway Apt. 057, Scottborough, WA 71678

Phone: +4534213801447614

Job: Physical Therapist

Hobby: Kite Flying, Card Games, Writing, Coin Collecting, Golf, Running, Meditation

Introduction: My name is Harry Rhodes, I am a steadfast, risk-taking, honest, exquisite, receptive, tenacious, candid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.