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Following the sale of Sunset, what happened to Davina Potratz?

8 November 2023, 14:44

Davina Portratz has played a noticeably smaller role in Selling Sunset season 7
Davina Portratz has played a noticeably smaller role in Selling Sunset season 7. Picture: Netflix

Selling Sunset season 7 is back on Netflix but Davina Portratz is nowhere to be seen so where is she? Here's everything you need to know about her absence.

Davina Portratz found herself centre of much drama during her time on Selling Sunset, particularly because of her fall out with co-star Chrishell Stause and Mary Fitzgerald's husband Romain Bonnet.

And when she wasn't arguing with her fellow agents at The Oppenheim Group, she was busy taking huge real estate risks that put her career on the line. We all remember the $75million listing right?

After joining the popular reality TV show from season 2, Davina was a headline star until around season 4 when her presence became less and less.

For many, they believed that once Davina quit the famous LA brokerage, her time on the show was over. However, she's recently hinted on Heather Rae El Moussa's Instagram - another cast member missing from season 7 - that she was written out.

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So what happened to Davina Potratz on Selling Sunset? Here's what we know.

Davina Portratz can be spotted at Chelsea Lazkani's 30th birthday party in season 7
Davina Portratz can be spotted at Chelsea Lazkani's 30th birthday party in season 7. Picture: Netflix

Did Davina Portratz leave Selling Sunset?

VIDEO: What happened to Davina Potratz on Selling Sunset? Tragic Updates 2023
Celebrity Family

In season 4, Davina's exit from The Oppenheim Group was made public when Jason Oppenheim began advertising for a new agent. Davina's spot was filled with Vanessa Villela.

Davina moved on to join a rival firm called Douglas Elliman, an estate agency located in Beverly Hills. She called it a "pure business decision".

However, since then, the estate agent has been back in the office after Jason and Brett offered her another chance. Davina has been appearing on the show, but significantly less.

Selling Sunset season 6 featured Davina Portratz on the poster
Selling Sunset season 6 featured Davina Portratz on the poster. Picture: Netflix

Why is Davina Portratz not on Selling Sunset season 7?

VIDEO: Selling Sunset Producers Called Out By Davina Potratz During Season 6 Filming
Us Weekly

For eagle-eyed viewers, you would have noticed Davina was shown for a brief moment during Chelsea Lazkani's 30th birthday party but otherwise, she's been pretty absent.

Commenting under Heather's post, who was talking about being dropped from Selling Sunset, Davina suggested the same had happened to her.

Heather wrote: "Looks like I got pushed in the water… its a good thing I can swim! Congrats to my girls on S7! You may see me in a few episodes…"

To which Davina replied: "You and me both."

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